
Category: Uncategorized

  • Shilo, TN

    Yesterday was a 2 mile walk in the morning before driving to Shilo Battlefield National Military Park in eastern Tennessee. On the way out of Illinois we crossed the Ohio River at Metropolis, which just so happens to be the home of my favorite superhero, Super Man! I also love weird roadside attractions. Please give…

  • Inside the Rig

    in case you’re wondering what home looks like to us for the next 3 months, here are some pics. The dinette The family room. We can put a table in front of the couch, for use as an island serving area opposite the kitchen. Bathroom. Kitchen Living room Both captain chairs swivel to face the…

  • 20 mile Tunnel Hill Bike Ride

    March 9 – Perfect day for a 20 mile bike ride on the Tunnel Hill Trail in southern Illinois.

  • Giant City State Park

    We went to Giant City State Park today. Tom had to work a bit while hiking, as he had to move some boulders out of the way. We made sure to get some rest in too. Afterwards, we checked out the lodge at Giant City, built by CCC and stayed for a catfish fish fry.

  • And we’re off!

    Left Wheaton after lunch on 3/6/25 and drove to Champaign, Illinois to spend the night with friends. Tomorrow we’ll head towards southern Illinois.