Yesterday was a 2 mile walk in the morning before driving to Shilo Battlefield National Military Park in eastern Tennessee.
On the way out of Illinois we crossed the Ohio River at Metropolis, which just so happens to be the home of my favorite superhero, Super Man! I also love weird roadside attractions. Please give a listen to a song by Otis Gibbs, called Great American Roadside.

We arrived at Pickwick Campground in Counce, TN, at 4:30. It’s beautiful, but still no leaves on trees down here.

This morning we drove 9 miles to Shilo Battlefield. We watched a very good 45 minute movie which described the battle.
We then rode bikes 13 miles through the park while using the National Parks audio tour of the battlefield describing the movements of the troops during the 2 days of intense fighting.

Now we’re planning stops for the coming week.
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